The hip hopification of education

Student of life uses elements of Hip Hop culture to engage young people in education

We are a Hip Hop inspired arts organisation passionate about encouraging positive attitudes towards learning. Since 2009 we’ve visited over 500 Primary and Secondary schools across the UK and worldwide.

We deliver interactive rap and poetry workshops, inspiring rap performances, motivational talks using proven teaching and learning strategies to inspire creativity, engage students more and improve student performance. We currently offer one day sessions, a 6-week programme or a 12 week curriculum.


The hip hopification of education

Student of life uses elements of Hip Hop culture to engage young people in education


We are a Hip Hop inspired arts organisation passionate about encouraging positive attitudes towards learning. Since 2009 we’ve visited over 500 Primary and Secondary schools across the UK and worldwide.

We deliver interactive rap and poetry workshops, inspiring rap performances, motivational talks using proven teaching and learning strategies to inspire creativity, engage students more and improve student performance. We currently offer one day sessions, a 6-week programme or a 12 week curriculum.

Our flagship programme is our Hip Hop Literacy programme which improves writing and performing skills whilst learning the key elements of Hip Hop. We use rap and poetry to explore identity, aspirations, self image and the various issues facing young people. Suitable for 7 – 18 year olds.

Get in touch

For further details, send an email to info@ we’ll be more than happy to assist you with any questions you may have. Check out some of our videos below to see what we’re about.

Book with us

To make a booking now, please fill out a Bookings Form.

Hip Hop Literacy (Primary)

Hip-Hop Literacy Primary

Hip Hop Literacy (Secondary)

Hip-Hop Literacy Secondary

Sol in Malaysia(Primary)

SOL in Malaysia

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